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Window of Opportunity...

Dear ms. Doomcannon,
I have a problem, your window is too thick... and deflects the laser from my scope, I was wondering if you could possibly buy a wireless card and respond from an outdoor location, or remove the glass from your window, at 2:30 PM exactly on July 2nd 2005. I will not shoot you from an undisclosed position, I am not lying. I am also not in any way affiliated with the united federation of anarchists or any of it's subsidieries. This is merely a suggestion to benefit yourself. Thank you in advance.
- your dearest friend who wishes to remain undiscosed at this time, for private reasons completely unattributed to any violent act against your person.

Dear Friend,

Sadly, I will be away that weekend at a "Get to Know Your Henchman" weekend seminar in the Catskills. I will, however, tell my sister Denise, who is house-sitting that saturday, your explicit instructions. She's good like that.

-Your dearest friend who only wishes your success,
Gateau S. Doomcannon

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