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I Knew that One of You Would Find Me Sooner or Later...

Dear Mistress Doomcannon:  

Have you ever considered any super-villain team ups?

Comic Book Guy


If I had a nickel for each time one of your kind has asked me some incarnation of this question, I would stuff those nickles in a sock, and inflict pain upon you. If it hasn't become obvious yet, I work alone (with the exception of my lovely grunts and henchmen... which are more like... tools). I bet you'd love to see me team up with some of your two dimensional fanboy dieties, hmm? If ever I were to consider a "team up", I think the first item to tick off on my checklist would probably be something along the lines of "exists in this plane of reality". I have a few considerations, but I don't think I like you enough to indulge.
