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It's that Season Again... (No. Not National Poisonous Reptiles Month.)

Dear Mistress Doomcannon,

Who are you voting for in the upcoming 2016 U. S. Presidential election? Also will you ever run for any high office or evil empire in the future?

-The Vicious Voice

Hello Vicious!

Why choose the lesser of two evils? That's how I see it. Many would guess that my eyes would be set on Mr. Trump, but there's a difference between evil and ignorant. Henchman material, for sure, but I would be leery of following that man's lead. As a leading lady of villainy, I would like to see a woman in the White House, but the thing is, I can't see Hillary as the Matron of Malcontent I'd want running the show. She sounds entirely too reasonable. I think I'm just going to have to do what I do every election season... fill in 'Hugo Drax from Moonraker' as a write-in candidate.  As for my plans for world domination... a lady never tells.

-Mistress D

P.S.: I should also note that I'm not currently a U.S. citizen (another reason Trump doesn't do it for me). I do try every four years though, hoping some dunce will mistake 'Sub-Volcanic Lair' for Hawaii.