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Back in Black!

Good Evening Darlings,

It's been quite a while now, hasn't it? I apologize, truly. It was one of those situations that simply couldn't be helped. In the throes of glorious victory I did what any good villain would do, which is spell out the entire plan in excruciating detail to the tune of a whirring circular saw or two. I was in the heat of the moment. You never really expect them to escape, do you? Well, at times, they do. If my ego weren't in the way, it most likely would have been avoided too. One of life's little lessons, hmm.

After five years of deep, and perhaps involuntary, cryogenic relaxation, I am back to help you spineless kittens with your pitiful little problems. I apologize for losing so many of your prior queries, but as I mentioned, it simply couldn't be helped.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So glad you are back my dark mistress! I look forward to your advice!

Your humble servant,
NY Fododgasm