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You are Saucy, Dear Reader!

Dear Dark Mistress,
   I was wondering what the sex life of a super villainess is like. Was 50 Shades nearly child's play to you? How do you get down? How do you noise proof the room from cries of agony?

Hey Curious

I like the cut of your jib. Right to the point! For those of us who live and work in the dungeon, the old whips and chains business gets pretty tired. Leather... pffff. Masks... please. When our kind needs a little excitement, we break out the neon spandex suits and capes, crank up the heroic one-liners (for justice, citizen!), and have some polite missionary to the sultry sax of Mr. Kenny G. The safe-word is "SWEET LORD OF DARKNESS, MAKE IT STOP!". It's not for everyone.

Love (if you're into that sort of thing),
Miss Doomcannon -XOXO 


Unknown said...

Now I know how to irritate you! I will come to your lair blaring Kenny G!!

Mistress D said...

It might irritate me... but, as mentioned, it may evoke something primal that I may not be able to contain reader.