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Tragically Boring

Dear Mistress Doomcannon, 

May I ask, what made you become an evil villainess? Was there any good in you before you went to the dark side? 

A Hero (Name withheld for pretty obvious reasons)

Ugh... you hero types and your fascination with origin stories. Sorry to disappoint you, but no radioactive spiders, alien homeworlds or magic rings in this story. For me, it was all just a matter of taking over the family business. We've been in the malice and mayhem game for generations, and with my brothers going into finance and politics, I inherited the duty of maintaining our family lair and leading our horde of  fiercely loyal (yet tragically stupid) henchmen. I could give you a tour... the henchmen are itching for work company.

Your Banal Nemesis,
Miss Doomcannon

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